Friday, February 13, 2015

Create New Project In Red Hat JBoss BPM Business Central

In this tutorial, you can able to create a project using Red Hat JBoss BPMS Workbench (Business Central).

Organization Unit
This is the top level. An installation may have one or more organization units.
Each Organizational unit can have one or more repositories. A repository is a physical git repository, stored on disk.
Each Repository can have one or more projects. A project forms the deployable unit and complies down to a jar. A project can depend on one or more other projects.
1. Log In
  1. If necessary, restart your jboss server and create new application user.
  2. Open a web browser, and go to http://localhost:8080/business-central. A log-in screen appears.
  3. Log in with the username and password. The JBoss BPM Suite 6 home page appears.
Figure 1. JBoss BPM Suite 6 home page

2. Add a New Organizational Unit
In JBoss BPM Suite 6, assets are organized into organizational units, repositories, and projects. Therefore, you first need to create an organizational unit.
  1. From the menu, select Authoring → Administration.
  2. Select Organizational Units → Manage Organizational Units.
  3. On the Organizational Unit Manager screen, click Add.
  4. On the screen that appears, enter the following:
    • Name - myOrgUnit
  5. Click Ok.

    Figure 2. Add New Organizational Unit screen
3. Create a New Repository
Next, you need to create or clone a repository. JBoss BPM Suite 6 uses Git to provide the repository structure, so you can either clone an existing Git repository or create a new one. For this lab, create a new repository.
  1. Click the Repositories link (next to Organizational Units on the administration page) and select New repository.
  2. On the screen that appears, enter or select the following:
    • Repository Name - demoRepo
    • Organizational Unit - myOrgUnit 
  3. Click Create.
  4. Click Ok.

4. Create a New Project
Now you can create a project, which is the main organizational and deployment unit for your business rules assets. A project is modeled like a Maven project. When you deploy a project, it deploys as a Maven artifact (.jar and .pom) in a Maven repo (the default internal repo in JBoss BPM Suite 6), ready to be incorporated and consumed by applications.
  1. From the main menu, select Authoring → Project Authoring
  2. The Project Explorer screen appears, which shows the organizational structure. Make sure that the myOrgUnit organizational unit and the demoRepo repository are selected.
  1. On the menu, select New Item → Project.
  2. In the Resource Name field, enter demoproject.
  3. Click Ok
  1. In the Group ID field, enter org.myorgunit.myproject
    This group id and artifact id should conform maven standards, this will be used in deployment unit id.
  2. Click Finish

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